How To Connect Nokia Android X, X+, XL, X2 To The PC Via USB

Today, we are going to discuss the most asked question about to connect Nokia android series X2, XL, X, and X+ to the PC via using the USB data cable. Everyone are asking this question too and at last, we have found the solution to this problem. You are tried many times but doesn't succeed to connect your devices to the PC via USB. Today, you can easily get access to connect your phone's the computer easily from this post. Hope, it will be helpful for you. So, let's see how can you connect your devices to the computer by the using of USB cable. Few steps are being included below.

How To Connect?

  • The first step, you have to download the latest USB tethering driver for your computer windows operating system. The driver is provided to download at the ending of this post.
  • During connectivity, the windows automated wizard may be open and it will ask something to you. Select No from the given option and press next button.
  • Then select the USB driver to install from the specifically downloaded location and click next button.
  • Install the downloaded USB driver by using its file setup.
  • After installation of the USB driver, reboot your computer by pressing the restart button.
  • Now, you have been done the most needed thing which helps you to connect your phone.
  • Then use a compatible USB data cable is provided by Nokia with your device or you can use another cable as well but must check its port before putting it on your jacket. The dust may be in there and you must clean it any air pressure or other supporting things. 
  • After attaching your device with a USB cable, check your USB mode and change it to USB tethering or tethered.
  • Now, you have completed your job and can easily connect your device to the computer. Hope, this post will be helpful for you.
Now, you can easily download the latest USB driver for your phones from the given download link location source below. Thanks for choosing our blog to get ideas and also to download drivers.
Download (From MediaFire)
